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Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake...

Cock In A Sock

Have you ever tried to put a cock in a sock on a Winter’s day? It just flaps around, and doesn’t stay fay. You try different things, shrinking it down, tying it to a string You try feeding it and suddenly it stays that’s all that was needed and you...


Memory calls in the night
Ice-cracked glass and light
The tangled, glittering tree
Remember when we would, us two
Hold fire in our eyes
Bright promise of tomorrow

At Nine Of The Night

At nine of the night I opened my door That stands midway between moor and moor, And all around me, silver-bright, I saw that the world had turned to white. Thick was the snow on field and hedge And vanished was the river-sedge, Where winter...

When you’re watching me

I got up this morning at half ten,
But you knew that, didn’t you?
I was going to shave my pubic hair,
I bet you’re thinking “really again?”
Now that I’m alone, self-love,
Are you here?
I can’t do this
There is too much fear.


I want to be a passenger in your car again and shut my eyes while you sit at the wheel, awake and assured in your own private world, seeing all the lines on the road ahead, down a long stretch of empty highway without any other faces in sight. I...

Oh God

spilling water from my back, you call and i come. that exhausted walk to reach you breathless and no i didn’t run to see you, i’ve been smoking too much, same thing. another awkward hug in the car as my face smashes your cheek that i can feel it...

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